Sunday, 25 April 2010

Weekly Review

After my old post on my overall knowledge of programmes i believe that i have gained a bit more. At First i was finding the rigging handout very difficult to understand. But there was nothing difficult to understand. I just need to concentrate a bit more. The rigging process is very over whelming and there is a lot to take in for the first time we are doing this.

That is why i will not let this hand out go if i am to do another rigged character sometime in the future. Also i was not to fond on the whole 3D thing although i do like watching some very well put together shorts by other student from around the world or professional ones like Alma. This being said i still don't like really long 3D animations. Maybe the odd one like Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children but i prefer when 3D is incorporated in movies like Sky Blue which mixes traditional and 3d.

Overall i believe i am making a steady pace on learning how to rig but a little time is to be taken for me to fully grasp the full extent of the entire process.

Friday, 23 April 2010

some oldeis/recent

These video's made me scream for more 3d animations simply for they were short and looked awsome. Mainly fight scenes and Video game trailers but they are definalty worth looking at.

First up The Wicther intro before the game menu. This was the one video that made me wont tolearn 3D animation for it is brillianlty done. The company CdProjectRed first ever title and its amazing. Based off the storys by Andrzej Sapkowski, Plus the main character is one of my all time favorite's Geralt of Rivia. The music is also outstanding Enjoy!

Secondly Neverwinter Nights 2 I love this one simply for i is really well done and the visual's are beautifully done.

Next up is Lineage 2 simple in the ways of the textures on certain things but highly detialed at the same time. As there is a manga feel to the aniamtion. This i like alot am may try in the future when i get used to Cinema 4D.

I shall leave it as that for now i will be posting my favorite character designs later.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Creating a indent

I have decided to creat a ident for my self and well its nothing special so far but i will be posting updates on it every now and then. Will be done in cinema 4D just to cool.... yeah thats right. So here is a quick pic to show what it may look like.

Messing around

I was just messing around with some random volumetric lighting test i done. I put it in Premier Pro and messed around with some of the settings. I put noise in and echo which give it that wierd ghostly look. From this i believe that i could use this in the future for a slow motion bit or for a strange creature with a odd movement pattern.

Plus i have reduced it size and frame rate for upload since the origonal video is around 700mb.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


I have spent the whole day sorting my system out and thank god i saved it. Builders need to swicht off my electricity to do there work. But they forgot to warn me. So naturally i was not very pleased. Then when went back to work, to my suprise my system decided no. So iv spent the entire day sorting her out now she is healthy agian and nothing war lost.

All because of my back up hard drive. oooo i love you hard drive.

Monday, 19 April 2010


It has been awhile since i reflected on my improvements. Well to start off i now feel that i have enough knowledge to do 3D model building. When i started the course i was not looking forward to the whole character model building thing. But now i have build a reasonable character for my first try, i am very happy with what i have produced.

This being said i seem to have difficulty to rigging him. I just can't get my head around it. I suppose every one hits a point in which they really need to improve upon. And rigging is mine.

The other software i have found out i can use is illustrator. Although i can use it, i dont like the feel of restriction to my work which illustrator does to me. This is not the programme its me and the way i work. Free hand movements and not so refined in the line work. This is why i have always like Photoshop and Corel Painter. They feel more natural to me. I will keep giving illustrator a shot from time to time but this very point i don't think Illustrator is my programme of choice to work with.

Premier Pro and After Effects are reasonable the same in the way they work. Almost identical in the layout of the tools and effects. There is still a lot i need to find to these programmes, and a lot more i will find out what they can be used for.

There is also Final Cut which is basically Premier Pro since the creator of Premier is the creator of Final Cut so there is nothing noticeably different about the programmes.

Apart form that i am reasonably confidant with my skills with the likes of Photoshop and hand drawings. Although with Photoshop i am finding little things i can do to my work that i didn't realise. Nothing to do with them being hidden i just really use more than the brush tool.

My time management is a little rusty and i really need to sort it out. I have handed my work in on time and never missed a deadline, except the time i was ill. So in future i should write my self out a work plan or time table, and stick to it. If i were to do this i believe my work would improve by a massive amount. Since i will be using all my time given to its best use.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Metro 2033

I started on a piece awhile ago but i didnt really like were that one was going so i done a really quick piece. This only took me about 2 hours at max as you can see by there not being to much detial. But i may come back to this later on.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Character Layout sheet

Here is my layout sheet even though its long over due to be posted but better later never.

I made my own texture then overlayed it with a texture i found

I feel the background is strong bu this being said the characters history is very dark. And since the character is a alien the background works in the sence that it looks alien and strange.

Although i feel that i can do much better in the way the character looks for he is to simplistic for my liking but it was nesecery to make him simple for i had to make him into a 3D model.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The Fourth Kind

I was bored so i decided to do a little random animation advertising the fourth kind nothing special just the Owl which is digitally painted with The Fourth Kind flickering like if it was on a bad tv. Might add more not sure.


I have been drawing some random stuff or late and i will eventually digitally paint then. But college work comes first!!
The drawings are a bit hard to make out since there are just roughs and my style is very spontaneous.THis pieace is influenced by Metro 2033 will be a deep red theme with some high lights in another colour havnt decided yet but will looks very moody hopefully.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

New Piece

I have a new digital piece going to be started not like i have enough on my plate but lets just say i saw a vision of this beautifully strange creature with a wierd human/demon chained to its head. The skecth i have done is only the head of the beast and with the wizardy guy/thing ontop but i feel like i can make somthing more of it.

So i am going to draw the body maybe with it tearing down the towers of a castle just ahvnt decided yet. Plus here is the skecth i done and it is very skecthy.