Friday, 28 January 2011

Needs Sleep

Been up and down all week and now i need sleep and alot of it. My eyes are sizzerling from looking at a computer screen for a solid week, and well i dont want what i had about a year ago. I have half my story boards and half my animatic done. Once again i think i may have been to ambitious with this one. I should have narrowed it down a little. But this is not the problem entirely iv been ill for a good week with the room decided to spin when it feels like it and making me look like a drunk trying to walk up the street.

I think this project is going to be the death of me along with other ongoing projects and on top of this my crappy job i have to go to every night.... the joys.

For the last couple of nights iv had my parents come in and tell to get to sleep for the time iv been up doing my work it terrible really since my dad starts work at 4am.

Any ways rant over i need to get my head in gear again so i shall pull a time plan up over the weekend for what i should start on first.

Plus am back on my adventure to Keltie Cochrane now am only working on the secret project that every one knows about since its not very secret... to a Thursday and i shall only work on it on Thursdays so i can get this main project tip top and looking sexy. I shall also be working on this secret project that every one knows about at Keltie Cochrane its self, closely with Ian and Richard so we can get it in the bag.

Here are my story boards so far iv already chopped about four frames out due to it drawing it out to long. Since i have another 2 - 3 pages to do i may need to chop some more out so i dont have to much to animate. I need to make sure i can get it looking pretty in the time i have plus i need time for sound design.

Friday, 7 January 2011

This week of fantasical chocolates

I haven't done much this week apart from tracking some footage with Pfhoe for my group project. It was loads fun you press a button and watch it put loads of little stars on the footage. After having fun watching that i had to align the grid floor.

I have also been deciding on going into the 3rd year or leaving but i believe i will go to the 3rd year of the course just to get the BA Honors it would look better on the creating CV.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Long time ago in a far away distant land

There lived a young male, who like to draw and animate. But he forgot to update his blog in a long long time. So the big bad subconscious was haunting him. Telling him "update your blog or perel to oblivion"

So the young male started on his quest to write up something for his blog.

The tale follows him travelling to the dark lands Gateshead to see a man called Ian Keltie on a proposition to work with him for a few sun rises.

The young man was trilled by what he been given to work with and how everything may work out. So he toddled of home through the dark dangerous tunnels of the Nexus Metro station to be confronted by a mean ticket inspector. He battled these vial creatures of with the show of his Student pass. Ounce he started working on this marvellous project he soon realised there was not a lot to work with. So he got in contact with Kiltie and asked if there could be a little bit more art work provided. Ounce he had a hold of this new found power, he began to work ounce again under the twilight sky and glowing moon. After a long hard challenge he finally gets what he was meant to do done, but his partner was being a bit slow with his side of the deal.

The young male feared that he may get stricken down by the gods for the slight delay in work and what would the gods actually do. He had not heard from Kiltie for over 2 weeks, so he braved it and got in contact with him. And it turns out that Ian's lady friend had just given birth before Christmas.

To be continued