Here it is all done.. i think i will probs look at it again tomoz and see something i want to change hahah. But please leave some feed back :D Only took me 24 hours to do hahah
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Here is Kateys skin tones almost completed and when i say almost am talking maybes another hour on it. But when i start to put the accessories on her it should start looking good. Iv also took a break from the nose for a bit the angle am trying to do with Katy's face there isnt to many references only some very pixelated shoddy images.
so far with katy perry
Take in to considerations that its far from completion but i though i would show what am doing :D Hope you like it!! I need to do the face its only at alpha stage, in other words i have only painted the basic shapes to get it looking right. The breast is also a bit obscure so i will alter that as well :D O and the hands need a bit of work but am aiming to nail this tomorrow :D
Monday, 28 March 2011
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Knight speed paint
Here is the knight animation/ motion comic am doing. Only got the 4 story board boxes done so far. My plan to make the rendering simply and easy went out the window straight away haha cant help it.

Saturday, 26 March 2011
Friday, 25 March 2011
Mega Super really beyond evil knight
Here is a new animation i will be creating. Its not very long quite short actually. Its similar to the intro of pinky and the brain. ITS TIME TO RULE THE WORLD!! But with a tiny MEGA SUPER REALLY BEYOND EVIL KNIGHT!! Then his mother comes in and
tell him to go to school.
Not very original but its a nice little project.

I think i may have found a font for my ident :D tell me what you think plus i may add some better energy when MU. DEN. Productions come on.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
So here it is :D Took me about a day to do it all and i like it. Not 100% on the title name but it will do for now. The entire thing was animated and created in After Effects and the sounds were download from a canny website thats free linked here
Monday, 21 March 2011
Here is a test i done with a glichty traditional walk cycle. I tried a very quick new technique and i dont really like it. But i have plants in that illuminate when he walks past. Very chuffed with these little bull plants. Well that's what i call them hahah.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Back to the old way
Just done a really quick traditonal frame by frame walk cycle :D Feels good to do that again. A few in-betweens are required for it to run a bit more smooth i think. But i actually like it haha. May end up using this in my animation instead of all those puppet pins would help render times.
Presentation is ready
Ok i found doing writing up that presentation really really hard. I find it easy doing one about my own work but one about other peoples and the industries hmmm hard i think.
But now am back on doing my beautiful animation :D I also will be talking to some music folk and i have a new idea i will discuss with my tutors about on Friday. Animation wont change nothing massive but it might make the intro more understandable and a nice little bit of live action :D
Monday, 14 March 2011
monkey and trip speed
Iv started a fan based painting of Enslaved simply because Monkey is awesome and i love the design of this monkey and the setting on a destroyed world. This is just a taster and is no were near complete. Its showing how i start my colouring process and the way i go about it. I will be recording every time i work more on it so you will get to see beginning to final piece. I have project work to do though so don't expect it to be any time soon.
New stuff
I have also done a test on the Bull flowers blooming for when the child walks past. I like it, works well just need to get them into the scenes and make them emmitt light every time they bloom.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Well now after a few days of hard brain hurting thinking i have finally gutted and fixed my laptop with out losing any files :D I was a right pain you should see what you have to go through dismantling a laptop. Tiny wires and stupid clips and what not. Not to mention i had to make sure that my touch pad stuff was not damaged ether since that was really delicate task. But everything is working like a charm.
Now i can finally get back to work one my stuff and sorting a portfolio out.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
The days are grey over my head of late. I have managed to salvage my work from my dying laptop hard drive. Typical but i know i can get her life back and restore it. The has not been lost yet i just can be bothered with it at the moment plus i need the disc of my brother.
So looks like my nerdy nature will pay of with all my computer know how tinkle fingers since fixing a laptop is the most fiddly task you will ever come across. Some wires well i mean all wires are like hahaha
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Things driving me nuts
Am not very happy with this i need to slow it right down and make it move more natural. It looks as though the child is waving at the bear when in actual fact he is looking at his spear. After effects was being a pain in the behind all the way though this.
Apart from that i like the transition i will be using a few times were the particles become very dense and take over the screen.
But its nothing i cant fix just been irritating the living hell out of me this scene. The bears head is a bit slidey to which i don't like.
I am also working on music but i think i might just head to the performance academy and see if there is any violin wielding nut jobs there and see if they are willing to create a nice dream like sound for me.
My step by step is also done for effects and stuff thats about 12 pages in total the joys that was to write up. Trying to think of what else i need to write about.
This is amazingly good and the thing that tops it off is that it has been done by Massive Black my favourite illustration/concept art team. Its all game referencing which i like straight away but the overall style of the animation is done really well. The concept art is on massive blacks blog linked below.
I hope i can find there really bizarre live action one with this strange baby in a a massive alien looking thing wondering the streets with pigeon man.
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