Thursday, 7 October 2010

T-shirts and stuffffffffff!!!!!!!!! 2

Okay so i got my prototype t-shirt done today and here it is!! With a lovely fashion pose for you all to be in awe over... yeah its a bit creepy hahah
The t-shirt design i feel needs to be bigger and cover a bit more of the t-shirt but i will test this next week or tomorrow if possible. I have also been doing a bit more frame by frame work for the teddy bear and its going okay will see soon enough though.


  1. It's good to see you wore pants for this one.

  2. PHWOOOOAR! My giblets are burning! The design works well on a shirt like, maybe a bit bigger like you say, then it would be ultimate!

  3. Thanks chaps and Mike if you wont a special request referring the pants i will supply hahah

    But yeah i will be doing the print again next week i think so there will be another splendid pic of my loverly pose :D
